Skidmore Faculty Development 2021 has ended
Monday, October 18 • 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Decolonizing Pedagogies; Transforming Teaching: Creating Expanded Capacity for our Classrooms

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Decolonizing Pedagogies; Transforming Teaching: Creating Expanded Capacity for our Classrooms

Historically, our educational system relies on passive learning, instead of a more collaborative and collective approach. We are all subjects of a colonial system and conscripted into that system, and we can be decolonial agents when we re-imagine the classroom as a third space. When we re-imagine the classroom as a space and place to decolonize our pedagogies, we also participate in the transformation of teaching. This results in accelerating the ongoing building of an expanded capacity for those who make up our classroom spaces. Teaching is more than a data dump; it is a process of tending to all the threads of instructional design and when we leave room for embodied awareness and expanding our capacity through a somatic lens, we not only connect the dots and deepen our shared, collective analysis, but we also become aware of our embodied capacity. When we intentionally bring these two together, we effectively participate in decolonizing practices that helps us all make a hard pivot out of hierarchies that accelerate harm and diminish transformative learning.

Please register in advance to receive the Zoom link.

Monday October 18, 2021 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT